Wednesday, September 8, 2021

writing (if my toys came to life when I was asleep

 If my toys came to life when I was asleep. 

There would be a big fight between them, because I have a lot of avengers toys and a lot of star wars toys. It would be the fight of the century, marvel and star wars. They might tie me up because they always fall off my shelf.

They would probably start traveling, the star wars toys would probably go on a space trip. And Marvel toys would go fight bad toys like Kyloh Ren.

In this fight I think marvel would start off losing because star wars have the force and lightsabers and laser guns. Then marvel gets the come back, captain america throws his shield into kyloh ren's helmet and it makes a loud clatter. When that happens I wake up as the toys fall to the ground like in toy story. I think they all just fell off the shelf and put them back in position. My cat was there sitting in the corner of the room staring at the toys with a close watch on them. I fell asleep again quickly the toys make sure I was asleep. The toys don't see my cat there and keep fight in. then my cat pounces on the toys knocking some out and he brings some to his bed. And the toys never fought again